We are all born with our own unique Authority and Strategy, as clearly shown in our Bodygraph. We grow up conditioned by the authority of those in our lives, parents, siblings, teachers and others, unaware of our differences. There is no blame, they did not know themselves.
While we are confined to our homes, because of the virus COVID-19, it may be a good time to take a look at basic features of our Design we may have neglected, like the distinct differences between our Inner and Outer Authority.
Once you are aligned to your true nature, let’s say as a Generator, you may be in tune with your Life Force energy’s “gut voice.” Making decisions as yourself from your “Inner Authority” requires knowing the correct sequence, when having both Spleen and Sacral centers defined, plus the Solar Plexus. Example: Your Spleen has a spontaneous, instinctive hunch, or intuition. Your Sacral voice responds to it, or not. This is your key, as your Solar Plexus still needs to find Clarity before acting on the decision. Perhaps even sleep on it.
Jamie Smart in her essay “Clarity” shows us this last step with a story:
“If a pond is clouded with mud there is nothing you can do to make the water clear. But when you allow the mud to settle, it will clear on its own, because clarity is the water’s natural state.”
“Outer Authority” is very different, known by the gates and channels between the Head, Ajna and Throat centers. Our outer authority is what we share with others, who may sense that we know what they are looking for. You cannot silence Mind, but never make decisions based on what Mind wants you to do. Mind has no authority whatsoever.
You may not be aware that these 6 Channels belong to the 22 Projector Channels. They have to wait to be invited by others to speak, if they want to be actually heard. Practice waiting.
This is what Ra said about WAITING:
“Waiting is a higher state of alertness, it’s a movement, a process,a state of awareness, of being present for what you are waiting for.”
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