As you may already know, making decisions that are correct for you personally is one of the benefits ‘living as yourself’.
A new student recently told me that she found me among other Human Design Guides by using her pendulum. She was somewhat embarrassed admitting this to me. I assured her, as Projector, that I learned to use it when faced with making immediate decisions. To me it is a trusted tool, when needed.
We are all designed with a unique decision-making process according to our Authority and Strategy. There are 11 kinds of different authorities, each with its distinct strategy. They are not only divided into Inner and Outer Authority, but also into Immediate: Sacral, Spleen and Ego. And also, Process Oriented Authority: Solar Plexus, Mental Projector and Reflector. Each one of these has a sub-category, depending on Type.
For Non-Sacral types, decision-making will always be a challenge. Ultimately, our body knows best what is correct for us. By following Authority and Strategy, and once we learn to love and trust our bodies, our decision-making ability can be restored.
This is where the use of a pendulum can be helpful. The pendulum has been used by many ancient cultures which knew about vibratory frequencies. Every object, animate or inanimate, gives off an energetic response, creating an alerted sense that can feel and measure these. You can learn to use the pendulum from a book or from an experienced dowser. Our mind has no capacity to compete with the body’s inherent wisdom. In fact, as a Generator, you may have already observed that the mind takes more time to respond to a question than does your ‘gut voice’.
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